Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thoughts for Dave's Fam

On Saturday morning we got a horrific phone call that no one ever wants to receive. We learned that Dave's cousin was killed in a devastating airplane crash while travelling with her work to treat skin cancer patients in a remote part of southern Utah.

Needless to say, there has been a certain pall over our household these last couple of days as we reflect on Mandy, her life and what she has meant to us. Unlike many families who are only aware that cousins exist, Mandy's family is extremely close to Dave's family. Naturally, this has been difficult.

One of the things I have been thinking about the most is only a day prior to this accident she had become engaged to be married. It's so hard to think that someone in the absolute prime of their life had to have their life end so suddenly. It's a strong reminder that we should value, protect, and love what we have now as it could be lost so quickly. Naturally, I kiss my monkeys a little more these days, hold them as long as possible, and truly mean it when I tell them or my sweet spouse, "I love you."


Chris and Tara Mason said...

That is horrible news - I am so sorry to hear about that! You are all in my thoughts and prayers!