Thursday, August 28, 2008

Been waiting all year!

If you were to ask Dave what his favorite holiday of the year is, you would receive an emphatic RIB COOK OFF! This is an annual event every year on Victorian Square in downtown Sparks and every year we pilgrimage to the street to patronize our favorite vendors.

To illustrate Dave's affinity for the rib cook off: While Dave was working in Las Vegas, for medical school ,he was devastated that he would miss the event. To make up for it we organized a special delivery of ribs so he could partake in the glutony of the event. Heather was moving to Pheonix via Las Vegas so we wrapped each rib individually and slid them into the nooks and cranies between packing boxes in her car! As imagined Dave was delighted and grateful.

Last year, at three weeks old, The Sophster was "baptized" with barbeque sauce as we ate ribs down on the square. (Ok, barbeques sauce dripped on her head while she was in the "front snuggly" pack. Rest assured, it was quickly licked off.) Now when presented with ribs she will suck the bone dry if given the chance.

This year the only difference will be the 94 miles round trip we will drive, every day this Labor Day weekend, to spend $20 per rack of ribs. Happy Rib Cook Off!


Chris and Tara Mason said...

I miss the Rib Cook-Off too - not for the ribs, but for the corn (oooohhhhh - that corn makes my mouth water)!
On a serious note, couldn't you have wiped the BBQ sauce off of her head rather than lick it off?! C'mon give the girl some dignity! ;)